Excel 2019 Advanced

Many of the sections could be assigned independent of the others, however, due to the nature of the material, you will need to understand the beginning chapters before tackling the later chapters. Things were well explained and the authors provided breakout boxes Microsoft Excel 2019 Lessons and screen shots to help the reader follow. The books purpose is to introduce Microsoft Excel to a first-time user. Students can learn Microsoft Excel from the learn guide with the program, but this text teaches Excel with its most common practical uses.

Dive into practical exercises, applying your newfound skills at each step. I enrolled in Simon Sez IT to use the Microsoft Excel for beginners course. I enjoyed every bit of the course and easy to understand and the pattern of teaching was top-notch.

Excel 2019 Advanced

The combination of text and illustration allow for easy searching for specific commands or functions. The modules are easy to follow and are in a sensible order for the learner. Each chapter has good written descriptions augmented with screen captures that provide scaffolding of skills as the learner goes from one chapter to the next. It will be an excellent resource for any course that requires the use of Excel since each chapter can basically stand alone. The step-by-step procedures for using Excel and the practice labs at the end of the chapter were highly accurate. I used this text in my course with thirty students, and usually students discover quite a few errors that I’ve missed in textbooks.

Microsoft Excel 2019 Lessons

Otherwise, this text is an accurate tutorial for expanding a student’s skill set. The book is fairly comprehensive for a beginning book. The table of contents clearly describes the topics covered in each chapter.

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I would see no issues using this text for a first and second semester MS Excel course. Unfortunately I could not review the data files for content, clarity or accuracy. I was particularly appreciative of the level of specific detail that the author used in describing even the most basic of steps. One of the biggest complaints that I’ve heard from students who use technology textbooks is that authors sometimes assume that students know more than they actually do.

Microsoft Excel 2019 Lessons

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