The Bottom 3Motives for Maintaining a Relationship

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There are many factors involved in a partnership. It’s not just the butterflies in your belly or the loud physical chemistry that keep it growing and flourishing; it also involves the regular effort you and your mate put into it. However, there are times when we become mired in our daily challenges and begin to lose look of what initially led us to fall in love with our partners.

We all experience times when a marriage feels stagnant, boring, or unsatisfied, and we may question whether it’s time to end it. But, there is a variance between experiencing momentary suffering and experiencing true misery. It’s a sign that something is n’t meant to be if your relationship or your partner make you feel insecure, insignificant, or bad about yourself.

The sense of safety is a major factor in why people stay in relationships. Devaleena says,” When you know that you can depend on your partner to be there for you in times of trouble, whether it’s a health issue or something else,” it gives you an air of security and stability.

Last but not least, individuals frequently remain in relationships in order to increase them. They might tell themselves items like,” I’ve put a lot of effort into this relationship, and I’m hoping things turn out okay.” It’s probably best to leave, though, if you find yourself in a situation where you’re merely hoping that the other man will shift one terrible evening.

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